Thank you friends and supporters for staying with Lunae Healing Arts

Our most heart felt gratitude to our dear friends and supporters for staying with us during the whole series of workshops "INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION AND THE MYSTICAL PATH OF CHAKRAS". We had an amazing journey in company of all of you that shared valuable information and experiences regarding self-healing and self-knowledge techniques.

Lunae's mission is to provide individuals and groups of people with the appropriate tools and education that will support them in their sacred journey towards reaching their desired state of wholeness and perfect health.

Please keep posted for more Lunae events and news.

Para nuestr@s amig@s y seguidor@s que hablan espanol, chequen este dato...

Quieres saber que es la Sanacion Integral?, que implica el concepto de Salud Holistica?, Como podemos usar elementos y terapias naturales como parte de un proceso de sanacion cuerpo-mente y espiritu?; toma un momento y descubre todo esto y mas aqui, en esta entrevista de radio a Tania Borja directora de Lunae Healing Arts en el programa "De Regreso a Casa", por CHHA Radio Voces Latinas 1610 am desde Toronto, On. Canada. Abril, 2011.

Sanacion Integral/Holistica Lunae Healing Arts from Lunae Healing Arts on Vimeo.

Gracias por tus comentarios, Lunae aprecia que compartas tu punto de vista!


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