Thoughts on Balance, Aromatherapy and Crystal Healing

The days, weeks and months pass by and we realize that we are already in September, this year has gone so fast, we are approaching to the dawn of yet another year. So we ask ourselves; how can we make this year and every single day of it a happy and meaningful one for your and those you love? the answer might not be as simple as we may want it to be, however the one thing is true is that everything worth creating and embracing is based on BALANCE. Now the question is, how to achieve Balance in a world that is filled with stresses, bad news and illness?  Well I will say that Balance starts from within, at the very core of our most inner selves so it can radiate its positive effects to the outside world thus helping that way to create a more stable and peaceful environment for and around us.

To achieve Balance is to achieve Success, and I'm not referring to the mainstream idea of Success, rather to a more holistic and spiritual meaning of this word. For many people the word Success means to own a house, a car, a stable source of income, a person with whom to spend the weekends and holidays and perhaps to create a family with, a bank account with lots of money on it and so on, but is that really what Success is all about?, what about feeling good and content about who you are as a person?, the positive impact your work has on others and the environment?, the quality time you spend with yourself, those you love and those you are in contact with everyday?, few times we stop and think of all these things don't we?, hopefully you are already thinking of them in a regular basis if not, this may be an opportunity for you to start considering the forgotten meaning of this word and perhaps start creating more space in your life for these kind of ideas.

A way that I as a mother of two babies and a Practitioner of Holistic healing look to achieve balance in my daily life is through conscious awareness of my physical body, mind, emotions and chakras which are energy centres in the body, our subtle body that is. I also use Reiki, Crystal Healing and Aromatherapy on my self and my family, especially on my children.

Today I would like to share with you some co-relations between Crystal Healing and Aromatherapy to help align the precious energy of your chakras, so you can create and live a life based on balance and well being.


For the first or Root Chakra located on the perineal area the essences to be used are  Myrrh, Frankincense, Rosewood and Patchouli and the Crystal or gem stones are Bloodstone, Hematite, and  Smoky Quartz.

For the second or Sacral Chakra located on the navel area the essences to be used are  Jasmine, Rose, Patchouli, Sandalwood &  Ylang Ylang and the Crystal or gem stones are Citrine, Carnelian, Orange Topaz.
For the third or Solar Plexus Chakra located on the abdomen area the essences to be used are  Ginger, Grapefruit  and the Crystal or gem stones are Sunstone, Tiger's Eye,  Yellow Jasper.

For the fourth or heart Chakra located at the heart area the essences to be used are   Rose, Bergamot, Geranium &  Jasmine and the Crystal or gem stones are  Rose Quartz, Green Jade & Rubi.

For the fifth or throat Chakra located at the throat area the essences to be used are   Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Myrrh & Sandalwood and the Crystal or gem stones are  Turquoise, Aquamarine & Blue Quartz.

For the sixth or third eye Chakra located at the centre of the forehead area the essence to be used is    Rosemary and the Crystal or gem stones are  Sodalite, Lapiz Lasuli &   Tiger's Eye.
For the seventh or crown Chakra located at the centre of the forehead area the essence to be used is        Frankincense and the Crystal or gem stones are  Amethyst, Clear Quartz, & Purple Tourmaline.
You may benefit from the properties of these essences or crystals by simply smelling them directly from the bottle for about 5 to 10 seconds, or by diffusing them on your room, or placing the crystals directly on your chakras for about 10 to 15 min. I suggest to take some time to close your eyes and have a relaxing moment while using these essences or crystals and to use 100% pure Organic Essential Oils only to reduce the risk of unwanted toxins in this products. These are simple and quick techniques that you can do yourself at your own time. Please enjoy!

If you want to know more  about  Holistic Health, and Holistic healing modalities such asAromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Bach Flowers, etc. please feel free to contact me for a casual chat at 647-522-6612 or send me an e-mail to
I am not offering professional services at this time due to my current  full time job which is Motherhood and yet I'm always happy to share a nice talk with fellow moms and people interested on these topics that are my passion and life style.

With much Love and wishing you the best of the best this 2014.
Tania Borja


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