
Showing posts from October, 2015

Remembering and Celebrating our Dear Moon Child, Manik Kej. 11/2008-08/2009

August 6, of 2009 was a Thursday,  a Full Moon day. I woke up early to prepare to go out since that morning I had my last appointment at my midwife's clinic at 10:30, only a few days before my due date. I had my breakfast and when I finished I head out the door. It was a nice summer day. I expected to finish on time so I could prepare for a visit/dinner with a couple of good friends that we had planned for that day. All my expectations were completely crashed however when I learned at the clinic that things didn't seem to be OK for my baby. The Midwives sent me to the hospital right away to have an ultrasound done, since baby's cardiac rhythm wasn't looking so good. "It is likely that you'll meet your baby today Tania" one of them told me, ..."but don't worry my partner is just heading to the hospital right now to be there with you". I felt as if I was going on a roller coaster ride, my heart beating extra fast, my head spinning to thousand m...

Day Of The Death celebration, Saturday, October 31st. 4-10pm Artscape Wychwood Barns

As our traditional celebration of The Day of the Dead aproaches, I can't help to think of the concept of Death. We Mexican people (and I'm learning now how other people in Latin America as well have the same celebration) make out of this time a year a big and joyfull Fiesta in honour of those loved ones who have passed away. We have nurtured over the centuries the idea of giving Death a special place in our lives. We like to embrace the belief that around this time a year, we can have a loving, open and very much expected communication with our Deceased Loved ones, so we make preparations such as special food and decorations. We select their preferred kind of beverages, desserts, and other comfort items that in life they used to enjoy, and we set an Altar as a welcoming token for them. We sing songs, dance certain traditional dances and place lots and lots of candles and orange and yellow flowers around the house and on the Cemeteries all over Mexico, because this is a not only...

Dia de los Muertos 2014

Call for volunteers for the Day of the Dead Celebration by Dia de Los Muertos Collective

Dear friends, I trust you all are doing great!, I wish to share with you that Dia de Los Muertos Collective is having a public event on Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 4 to 10pm at Artscape, Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie St. to celebrate the Mexican tradition of the Day of the Dead. As many of you may know this is an amazing community oriented, culture, cuisine, arts and crafts event, happening annually for over seven years now.  I am very glad to invite you to join us and also to ask you for your support as a volunteer for this event. There are many ways to be a volunteer either before, during or after the event. The roles of the volunteers are many and they are all really exciting. You may volunteer for 1, 2, 3 or as many hours as you like starting this coming Saturday if you are interested in getting involved right away by joining the workshops that are happening every Saturday 12:30 pm at Caza Maiz. This workshops are for the making of decorations, customs, Papel Picado, etc....

Join us to celebrate yet another year in the Mayan Cosmovision of time. Sun. Oct. 18th 11am


Mayan Cosmovision and ancient ceremonial traditions.

Mayan spirituality is based in an ancient wisdom that honors the cycles of Nature and the Cosmos. This wisdom allows us to understand the fundamental principles of our existence and the inner most aspects of ourselves. When we know and learn about First Nations traditions (or about our own lineage traditions for that matter), we are able to better understand who we really are at a personal level and as part of a community. This type of knowledge gives us the opportunity toopen up to that, which has a profound and spiritual meaning for us; as supposed to what is simply superficial in our lives. This understanding is what also keeps us rooted in our own time and space and being truthful to our hearts curiosity, thus easily finding the strength and the will to face yet another day or present challenge. Since several years ago I decided to learn and to know about different indigenous traditions, as a means of connecting with my spiritual self and the Universe or the Divine Creation, at a d...