Mayan Cosmovision and ancient ceremonial traditions.
Mayan spirituality is based in an ancient wisdom that honors the cycles of Nature and the Cosmos. This wisdom allows us to understand the fundamental principles of our existence and the inner most aspects of ourselves. When we know and learn about First Nations traditions (or about our own lineage traditions for that matter), we are able to better understand who we really are at a personal level and as part of a community. This type of knowledge gives us the opportunity toopen up to that, which has a profound and spiritual meaning for us; as supposed to what is simply superficial in our lives. This understanding is what also keeps us rooted in our own time and space and being truthful to our hearts curiosity, thus easily finding the strength and the will to face yet another day or present challenge.
Since several years ago I decided to learn and to know about different indigenous traditions, as a means of connecting with my spiritual self and the Universe or the Divine Creation, at a deeper level; that is how I came across the Mayan Cosmovision and became an apprentice of its wisdom. After many years of studing and practicing along Mayan elders, nowadays I am a practicing timekeeper or Aj'qij (one who knows how to count the time according to the Mayan sacred calendar). This commitment gives me the responsibility and the privilege as well, to perform Sacred Mayan Fire ceremonies in order to celebrate and to honour the cycles of Nature and the Cosmos. These ceremonies are also a healing tool that have (in many ways and aspects
) helped me to grow and evolve holistically as a person and to support other people as well in their own personal journeys.
) helped me to grow and evolve holistically as a person and to support other people as well in their own personal journeys.
Here I share some images of a celebration that is ancient and yet remains current for many people of Mayan lineage in the present time, providing us with a source of personal and collective strength and inspiration: the Waxaq'ib B'atz' ceremony or Cholq'ij Mayan New Year.
I thank The Waxaq'ib Q'oojom Toronto Mayan Aj'qij'ab Elders Council, to my mentors and elders who have shared with me and my family this wisdom, teachings and knowledge, who have also entrusted me the duty and the privilege of sharing them with others.
Sincerely from my heart,
Tania Borja
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