The Path to Self-development
This is a new year in the Gregorian count of time, welcome 2016! We are starting yet another year in our personal count as well, whether we feel young, mature or older, every year, every month, every day counts in the telling of our very own story. I must say that 2015 brought me much joy, many learning experiences, many moments of great pleasure enjoyed with my children, my family, my friends, my community, my beloved husband and specially with myself. It also brough me lots of challenging moments in which I had to really make use of all the self-knowledge and self-development tools I have in order to rise above the situation and learn from it. Many triggers and stressful situations mean a lot of opportunities to deepen my own personal knowledge and to develop better strategies to deal with whatever the issue is. I am very satisfied and pleased with every single thing that came around my life this past year as it all helped me to create a better version of me.
Now, having started another cycle and being very close to my next birthday I reflect on what I wish to manifest in this new year 2016. Of course I have come up with many good ideas, many inspiring projects as the creative part in me hasn't taken a break, but I also have what's really important, lots of enthusiasm and hope. This year so far I have been thinking of the road ahead, my life, not only as a mother of young children but also as a professional therapist committed to serving my community and at the same time occupied in my own personal growth. The options seem to be many but, which one of them is the right one when it comes to fitting together financial stability, wanting to raise healthy children in a healthy environment and the dream of living a more natural and spiritual oriented life not necessary in a big city?, Wow! by the end of the day, the road ahead appears to be quite a complex map of little detours aiming to be united in a much bigger and meaningful path.
I feel overwhelmed sometimes by not knowing how and where to direct my efforts in fulfilling my dreams, but also at times I am able to connect with that wise part of me that intuitively knows already all the answers, that understands hope and knows how to let go of the need of controlling every single aspect of my waking life. That part of me that chooses trust over fear, joy over worry, compassion over judgment; and yes, the inspiration comes, the certainty that everything will just manifest itself at the right moment in the right place, an infinite and beautiful feeling of gratitude, a deeper sense of belonging, the serene and peaceful feeling of being part of everything, it is just too great and comforting. When I sit outside, before dawn looking at the stars, letting my body be bathed in moon light, waiting for the Great Sun to show himself in the East, feeling the cool breeze in my face, it all makes sense. It is then when I am able to see the bigger picture and thus coming to the conclusion that listening to our hearts, paying attention and following the signs that the Universe sends us, being true to ourselves and taking time to listen, just listen, breath and being quiet could be our best bet.
I have started this new year with my best attitude, yes! with much encouragement and positive energy and with the invaluable help of my dear family (babysitting my little ones) I have decided to gift myself a few days of spiritual retreat in an Ashram to fine tune myself, to recharge with the best possible energy to continue growing and becoming a better mom, a better daughter, a better friend and wife. Just plain a better me. I am so fortunate to be able to do this, and I am so ever grateful for it. A time for yoga, meditation, contemplation, long walks in nature, deep breathing and vegetarian healthy food, it is such a treat, but more than that a marvellous opportunity to revise and recreate my own path to self development.
For now just sharing with an open heart and you? How do you walk your own path to self-development? I will be glad to learn from you.
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