You are an extension of Source Energy, also referred as “All-There-Is”. Humans are physical body but primarily we are VIBRATION. We are Eternal Multidimensional Beings.
Thoughts and words are vibration as well, they have energy imprinted on them, they are part of our own vibration.  Your desires are also vibration that goes out into the universe and Law of Attraction works out to manifest that vibration into reality.  We contribute to create our reality through VIBRATION AND INTENTION.   
We have the right of Free Will, we decide if we are in alignment with our Higher Self or in separation from it. When we are feeling happy, grateful, connected to yourself, others and  Nature we are ALIGNED with our Higher Self, when we feel irritated, depressed, unwell, we are SEPARATED from our Higher Self.
A thought is not a very important thing, is just a thought, if you think a thought for a little longer and allow other thoughts of the same vibratory frequency to join, then it becomes a chronic thought or a dominant thought, a belief.  Law of Attraction responds to that, it responds to what you THINK and how you FEEL about everything. How you feel about everything is how you are living.
Law of Attraction brings to every thinker the equivalence to the thoughts that they are thinking, so PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR THOUGHTS. When we put attention to our thoughts we are becoming aware and that awareness leads to expansion. 
Why do we sabotage ourselves from manifesting what we want? By being separated from our source and by having chronic negative thought patterns.  It’s easy to keep the same patterns of thoughts, thinking the same way as we have been doing for a most of our lives, or go along with what others think, because being aware of our way of thinking and our attitude involves work, self work, and we are afraid of working on knowing ourselves and going deeper into who we really are.  We are afraid of our shadow side and we avoid it by not putting attention to our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions and just continue to go through life the same way have been trained since little.
What can we do to create change and bring about our magic dreams into reality? Focus on good things and be grateful for them, that vibration will keep bringing those goods things to you and the most positive you are about your life and the better you feel about it, will increase the flow of better experiences towards you and the manifestation of what you truly need to be complete in all levels of existence.  We have to stop the program that says that life has to be difficult. Well Being is the dominant factor of “All-There-Is”.
Your thoughts and awareness become your experience.  What you think about, you bring about, what you think about becomes your belief, your belief becomes your perception of life, and you perception becomes your experiences. 
There are scientific prove that Thoughts are UNITS OF ENERGY that become experience, behaviour, habits, even physical symptoms in the body, therefore is very important to consciously choose what to think about, rather than just being controlled by random thoughts  all day long.
CHOOSING CONSCIOUSLY what to THINK ABOUT is an important step in MANIFESTING what you desire into your time-space-reality. Focusing on AFFIRMATIVE THINKING will help you align yourself with your natural state of being which is happiness, love, health and well being, that will increase the frequency of your vibration and the Law of Attraction will naturally bring to you what you desire.  
PUT MORE ATTENTION TO JOY, HARMONY, LOVE, BEING OF SERVICE, PERSONAL POWER, which are natural states of your being. You shape your destiny by the attitude you choose to take and keep towards life.
Use POSITIVE INTENTION more often, that will help you find what you want.
Use POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS daily in all aspects of your life.
Practice CREATIVE VISUALIZATION daily in all aspects of your life.
TAKE RESPONSILITY for your life.
RELEASE BLAMING to yourself  or others.
As you change internally you will see your life changing in a positive way.
Manifesting is about allowing things to happen in your life, do not get on the way of your own life with negative thoughts and attitudes. Allow your vibration to align to the frequency of your higher purpose and be enthusiastic about it. Enthusiasm is the evidence that the vibration of your being is aligned, this inspires successful actions.


Tania Borja
Lunae Healing Arts
Creative Director


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