
Showing posts from April, 2011

This month workshop series continues with "The mystical path of the Chrakras I"

Lunae Healing Arts thanks our friends and followers for your support on the first session of this series last thursday and friendly reminds you of this month series of workshops, next session will be this thursday 28th "The mystical path of Chakras I" from 6pm to 8pm. This workshop series is designed to introduce women, men and youth to some self-relaxation and meditation techniques and to an understanding of the Ancient Hindu Chakra system, that now a days is re-emerging as a tool to achieve personal balance and harmony; and for those of who are interested in expanding their knowledge on self-healing and want to reclaim responsibility of their own lives and health. During this coming session we'll be exploring the Chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) to be able to understand their function and connexion with the physical body, mind and emotions. We will be getting the senses involved and we'll be using five different alternatives of self-healing, to gain...

Introducción a la Meditación y al camino místico de los Chacras en Abril y Mayo.

Lunae Healing Arts Ofrecerá un taller de Introducción a la Meditación y al camino místico de los Chacras en Abril y Mayo. Publicado: 20 de abril, 2011 Reportaje: Diego A. García - El día a día de los tiempos modernos resultan siempre llenos de estrés y preocupaciones. Parece que no importa cuántos inventos dirigidos para hacer de la vida un lugar más placentero salgan al mercado, siempre logramos complicarnos un poco más. Es por esto que Lunae Healing Arts, quiere traer para todos nosotros un taller que nos llevará a conocer técnicas de auto-relajación y meditación, por medio del entendimiento del antiguo sistema hindú de los chacras. Y es que no importa cuánto avancemos tecnológicamente, siempre podremos confiar en los grandes efectos de los métodos de relajación ancestrales. Partiendo del principio de su funcionalidad, la misma que se mantuvo vigente durante siglos, no es de extrañarse que en estos días de estrés este sistema esté re-emergiendo com...

Lunae's Affirmations, Relaxation and Meditation audio files.

Looking for some short and sweet meditations for your busy life?, click here and help yourself to a little bit of Lunae's oasis of peace and quiet. Enjoy! Stretch and Relax. (Voice by Aarti Kibedi) Erasing Stress. (Voice by Aarti Kibedi) Be the light. (Voice by Aarti Kibedi) Tratamiento para el amor. Afirmaciones de Transformacion. (Voice by Tania Borja) Meditacion: Tubo de Luz, por Kuthumi (Voice by Tania Borja) Keep posted for more short, sweet and healing audio meditations!

Tania Borja en Radio Voces Latinas CHHA 1610 am

Silvia Mendez y Tania Borja en el programa de Regreso a Casa  4 a 5pm por CHHA Radio Voces Latinas charlando a cerca de la Sanacion Integral, Reiki, Terapia con color y otros temas super interesantes. Muy pronto podras escuchar esta entrevista en este blog, mantente conectado!  Si deseas sintonizar esta emisora dale click a si deseas conocer mas del trabajo de Silvia Mendez  dale click a


"INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION AND THE MYSTICAL PATH OF THE CHAKRAS" April-May 2011 Workshop Series from Las Perlas del Mar on Vimeo . Dear Friends, please take a look at this pormotional video that Las Perlas del Mar noticias has kindly made for Lunae Healing Arts.  This series starts this Thursday 21st from 6pm to 8pm at 17 Phoebe St. (Queen St. West and Spadina Ave.)  If you haven't registered yet, there are still some spots left, but hurry, space is limited.  To contact Las Perlas del Mar please check out See you There!!!


Lunae Healing Arts Invites you this month to a   series of workshops : Introduction to Meditation and the mystical path of Chakras Be part of this amazing journey of self-discovery and self-healing. This workshop series consist of 3 sessions and will be facilitated on Thursday 21st and 28 th of April and   Thursday   May 5 th   from 6pm to 8pm @ 17 Phoebe St. (Queen St West and Spadina) First Session Thursday 21 st , 2011: Introduction to Meditation Second Session Thursday 28 th , 2011: Exploring the Chakras (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) Third Session Thursday May 5 th , 2011: Exploring the Chakras (Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown) Suitable for women, men and youth who are interested in expanding their knowledge on self-healing and want to reclaim responsibility of their own lives and health.  EARLY REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS SERIES Contact Info:   Tania Borja    647- 704-66-12   or 416- 532-93-18    luna...